Joy and Pain (The Story of Our Miscarriage)
Joy and pain. Two words couldn’t be more opposite yet they coexist beautifully. When I was working with Mei/Co. Dance, this topic was something we navigated often in our interviews and our works. It’s a balance to find joy in the pain, almost like getting closer to a deer in the woods. One step off or one moment pushed too far and the deer bolts. My husband and I went into 2024 not knowing we'd be navigating this balance are intricately as we needed to. We had big goals and dreams for this year, plans for lots of joy and fulfilling moments, not grief and loss. I think it is worth clarifying that joy does not equal humor. Humor isn’t what I’m leaning toward or talking about in this article. Although, what a gift when you can find humor in painful moments, a genuine humor that produces healthy belly laughs. Most of the time the joy comes from a deeper spring, a spring you and I have no creative rights over. On that note, our story. That feeling of being officially ...